Thursday, August 13, 2009

Burnt Orange Dress In Fredericton

How I can learn Java? Software Guru

The blog a while ago I published a post where I explain five tips on how to learn to program in Java, and any programming language works alike. As this is a copy & paste the same:

On several occasions my friends have asked me about how they could start learning to program in Java. For what I have always answered is " reading and doing." When I learned to program in Java was because some friends told me the same thing, but where does it read?, What these friends said, and I answer now to make me the question is that "Google has is that learning to program in any language and to be fond of programming, the person must be an outstanding researcher. And if you've got here is because you are looking to learn, and we are here to facilitate your learning.

Reading. There are many tutorials scattered all over the Web, it's just a matter of knowing look. Well if you put "Java tutorial OR manual" in any search engine you'll get hundreds of tutorials of Java. Only thing that you're a weekend with coffee and fried in front of the computer. If you are more traditional, there are hundreds of books for very cheap, although there are also electronically. A place that is always going to help you hacks google to search the index server searching for what you want.

. Many tutorials are basic practical examples with which you can start playing. In these tutorials will explain how to configure your Windows or Linux environment to program in Java.

not afraid to English. A fear factor that I see often in a few friends who want to learn to program is that many books and tutorials to get are in English. But to be fond of computing, you learn not to fear the language, and I do not mean you are multilingual, but at least you will be learning to read English while learning to program. But fear not, there are now lots of information and tutorials in English are very professional and easy with which you can learn. Forums

. You can also subscribe to forums where you can ask questions about your questions and tell you more of a Java developer will be willing and have the answer you want. Some are: FIT Forums
, . Podcasts

. Podcasts are a means by which you can stay updated on the latest news and new tools on Java. This will help you open your mind to many things that exist in the Java world you may not know. The podcast I hear most frequently is that of

, and the in English.

The original note this here.

I invite you to take a tour by

SWCODERS and view the material and tutorials out there.


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