Friday, September 24, 2010

Homade Newton Scooter

Where do I put my bike?

may not know what to do with my bike (when we are not rolling in the street, that is) if we have a small house or apartment and even think it is an unpleasant nuisance. Apparently not everyone thinks so, and have devised ways to include the bike in the decoration of the room, the room, the dining room or kitchen. Check out
this beautiful selection of photos and ideas. Greetings!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

William Rogers And Sons Silverware

Getting Started with Java Web Start (2): Java Console

In a previous post made a introduction to Java Web Start . Now I want to comment on a feature that provides Java, and this is your console. Java console comes with the installation of the JRE. According to the site helps Java ,

Java Console provides information about the version of Java Runtime Environment (JRE), the user's home directory and error messages occurring during the execution of an applet or application.
Well, what interests us at this time of the console is the ability to display the error messages that are released during the execution of an application, in this case we will be very helpful when testing and debugging our applications Java Web Start because we can see in detail the errors that arise during the implementation of our applications.
By default the Java console is not displayed, there will therefore be to enable it by following the steps on the same page and then submit.
Enabling the Java Console for Windows platform for Java Version 6.0, 1.5.0
  1. Click Start . Select Settings
  2. .
  3. Select Control Panel.
  4. Double-click Java icon .
  5. Click the Advanced tab .
  6. Click the plus sign next to + Java Console. (Fig. 1)
  7. Select View console and click Apply .
Fig. 1. The configuration window

Once done, if we execute our Java application Web Start or other we will see a window like the one shown below in which we see the mistakes that launches the application.

For other versions of Java or the display of the console in browsers like Firefox and others can see the help page explaining Java.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Army Ets Dity Move Help

Illegal character in path at index 18: file: ~ / .m2/repository/org/apache/ant/ant/1.7.0/ant SAXNotRecognizedException

few days ago while my CRUD generated using the tool appfuse: AppFuse gene of showed me the following strange error:
[INFO] null
Illegal character in path at index 18: file: / ~ / .m2/repository/org/apache/ant/ant/1.7.0/ant-1.7.0.jar
[INFO] -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -
[INFO] Trace java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
After searching a few minutes, then found what was wrong. The problem is that Maven have some conflicts when trying to parse the repository location if this location contains whitespace. And this is a well known error and I was touched to see before, but I had forgotten (very common).
As for me, that you are using a Windows XP in English, generates Maven default repository " C: / Documents and Settings / \u0026lt;user> / .m2/repository/org/apache/ant/ant / 1.7.0/ant-1.7.0.jar "therefore generate this error in any execution. The steps to correct the error was: Move
  1. generated Maven repository, which by default is in " C: / Documents and Settings / \u0026lt;user> /. M2 / " one that does not contain spaces as C: \\. m2 "
  2. Edit Maven configuration file located in \u0026lt;MAVEN_HOME> \\ conf \\ settings.xml . Uncomment and update the local repository aimed at

    c: \\. M2 \\ repository
  3. and

I hope they serve for any execution of Maven with the same problem.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ways To Hide Bulimia At School

-1.7.0.jar: Property '' is not Recognized

I am currently developing a small application using AppFuse 2.0.2. Appfuse has a code generation tool that uses powerful Maven.
mvn appfuse: gen-dentity = NombrePojo

Well, when you try to build my CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete), I checked the error:
org.xml.sax . SAXNotRecognizedException: Property ''

After searching a while on the AppFuse mailing list I found that is untested functionality with Java 6 and recommend solutions point to another URL, but had to make some drastic changes, but only wanted to fix that mistake and had no problems in changing Java version, so
  1. installed Java version 5,
  2. changed the value of JAVA_HOME environment variable to the location jdk5 instead of 6,
  3. opened a new command window,
  4. execute the instruction again mvn appfuse: gen-dentity = NombrePojo and
I hope you learn if you are using AppFuse

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Star Wars For Pinewood Derby Car

The car seat facing backward reduces the risk of injury and death

In one of our first editions, we discussed the importance of car seat. You have to use them, period. What more could be said about it? A lot.
When you think you can just buy it and use it, you realize that child safety seats are difficult to install. Since many parents do not put them properly, inspection campaigns were launched in shops, hospitals and fire stations and police. This case seems to be solved: you buy it, install it and you take it to inspect. False. This week I discovered there are many details that do not know about it.
I tried to put my baby's car seat on a new car. During installation, we realized that it was very loose in the center seat, so we had to put it on the side of the window using the LATCH system ( Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) . Since then I've been worried about me, because I think the center is the safest place and I decided to investigate.
Indeed the middle rear seat is the safest, on the advice of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Safety Car organization. The sides represent a higher risk for accidents. The problem is that not all modern safety seats are improperly installed with the belt in this part of the car, and the LATCH system is only found on the sides.
But the most interesting and impressive I found is to use the chair seguridad en la posición hacia al frente (donde el bebé mira hacia el parabrisas) no es tan seguro como parece.

How Can You Tell If Scorpio Like You?

Watch this video carefully

Vip Bags Change Lock Number

Durante una colisión, el infante que se encuentra en esta posición está protegido de una posible expulsión, pero sus brazos, cuello, cabeza y piernas se mueven violentamente hacia delante. En una situación como ésta existe un alto riesgo de lesiones espinales, cuyos resultados pueden ser graves o mortales.
Few know this reality and the baby seat manufacturers state in their manuals that is sure to change to this position when the baby is a year or when it reaches 20 pounds. But the truth is that this is not a standard. You should not change the seat looking forward, what is said is that you CAN, that is, if you like.
And what we want to make our children to look forward? To better see their faces, to change the landscape ... By changing the seat you are reducing the protection you have your baby.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Can I Buy Folicure Shampoo

not hurt your knees!

When I go around the city is inevitable noticing cyclists and many times I have wanted to stop or stop (depending on who is going faster) to say caring your knees! For many cyclists use the seat so low that your knees hurt and probably just sore. One of the most common mistakes among novice cyclists (not much) is to think that just the technique with which the children learned to ride a bike.

Children usually begin to use a tricycle which forces them to bend their knees a lot. Later they start using the bike with training wheels (auxiliary) that give stability and, finally, learn to roll free but close enough to the ground so that the feet can slow down or avoid falling behind. That is, the seat height correspond to the height of the crotch, are on the seat and the feet on the ground at the same time.

This system is used to provide security for children (and, as they are "rubber", nothing hurts) is not suitable as an adult. The right thing is to have a seat at a height higher than the crotch been standing on the bike.

There is a formula to get the correct size and is as follows: standing will take the floor as your inseam in centimeters and multiply that number by .885, the result (also in inches) is the distance to be exist between the pedal axle and the seat.

82 cm X 885 = 72.5 cm

Among urban cyclists are repeated and, sometimes, sudden stops that lead many to use the seat correctly. If the seat to its proper height you think "very high" is perhaps not know start to pedal and brake correctly.

To "boot" you take the first clutching supporting your weight on the pedals and already in motion, put you on the seat.

To halt: use both brakes to stop the handlebars firmly supports your feet on the pedals and get up on them while braking, then a foot down like a step and then the other, stood on the box bike and not on the seat.

Another good tip is to keep your feet and knees parallel to the table, avoiding separately or together knees when pedaling.

Finally, if you're too scared to start shooting with the seat "so high", rises gradually to the correct height, your knees will thank you.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Why Is Greek Yogurt The Healthiest Yogurt

Getting Started with Java Web Start Java

Some time ago I had to learn to use this definition of the Java platform to develop a small Swing application that would run via Java Web Start from a link in a Web application. To use Java Web Start is required above all make various settings, no programming.

To do this I followed these simple steps.

Steps to enable running from a web application JavaWebStart

1. Package the application
The first thing we do is package your application into a JAR file . In addition, to run our application from an application of JavaWebStart we digitally sign the JAR but this will be explained later. To package your application use the command line tool for Java. But in any case, you can use any tool available in our IDE, if one is available.
\u0026lt;MIAPLICACION_DIR>. \u0026lt;nombre-archivo-jar> Jar-cf. Jar \u0026lt;clase-java1>. \u0026lt;clase-java2> Class ;. \u0026lt;clase-javaN> class. class

2. Digital signature
We have almost finished our JAR, now we just signed. This digital signature is important since all applications run within a sandbox , a client security space in which to run the application. The steps are as follows.

a) Generate Keystore: From command line go to the directory bin of our installation of Java (JAVA_HOME ).
\u0026lt;JAVA_HOME> \\ bin> keytool-genkey-alias test-RSA-keystore keyalg test.jks

Then the file will be generated test.jks in the bin directory .

The following will sign the JAR tool keytool available IUI IUI 2.4.1 keytool

With these steps we will have signed a packaged application that can run on the client. For more information about digital signing of listen to the podcast Javahispano not. 080 - Cryptography and Digital Signature .

3. Configuration file Java Web Start
Now create the configuration file of our application Java Web Start in your text editor of choice. The configuration file have the name we want and with the extension. jnlp ( holaMundo.jnlp ). You can find more information on how to create and more configuration options on the following link JNLP File Syntax.
\u0026lt;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
\u0026lt;jnlp spec = "1.0 +" codebase =
"http://localhost:8080/ micontextoweb / javaws "
href =" TheTime.jnlp "
\u0026lt;! - Overview of our application ->
\u0026lt;information & # 62;
Hello \u0026lt;title> World \u0026lt;/ title>
\u0026lt;vendor> Jorge Ruiz Aquino \u0026lt;/ vendor>
\u0026lt;homepage href="/micontextoweb" />
\u0026lt; ; description> Sample file \u0026lt;/ description>
\u0026lt;/ information>
\u0026lt;! - Establishes permits for the application in the sandbox ->
\u0026lt;/ security>
\u0026lt;! -
are listed the resources needed to implement the application,
as the required minimum version of Java, the location of the JAR of our APPLICATION & # 243, n,
addition to the external libraries to be used.
\u0026lt;j2se version="1.5+" />
\u0026lt;jar href = "http://localhost:8080/ micontextoweb / javaws / AplicacionFirmada.jar "/>
\u0026lt;/ resources>
\u0026lt;! - Set the name of the class containing the method main () ->
\u0026lt;application-desc main-class="ClaseMain" />
\u0026lt;/ jnlp>

permits in our previous settings are needed, along with digital signature that we have added the JAR in the previous step.

Now we have our file AplicacionFirmada.jar and our own JavaWebStart holaMundo.jnlp , will these files and necessary libraries where appropriate within our Web server. In my case, it is on my Web server Apache Tomcat / micontextoweb / javaws / , as configured in the file. Jnlp, in paragraph .

4. JNLP support in the Web server
The following will ensure that the Web server supports files of type JNLP, which is the extension of the Java Web Start. To this should enable support the MIME type in the server configuration, for example, the Tomcat Web server can be enabled in the configuration file / conf / web. xml by adding a new mapping for the MIME type. By default Tomcat already has it enabled.
\u0026lt;extension> jnlp \u0026lt;/ extension>
\u0026lt;mime-type> application/x-java- jnlp-file \u0026lt;/ mime-type>
\u0026lt;/ mime-mapping>

5. JNLP support in the Web browser

Later in our web application add a piece of Javascript code to verify that your browser supports the MIME type. Although now most browsers support this kind of files.
mimetypeCheck function ()
{/ / First, determine if
Webstart is available if (navigator.mimeTypes ['application / x-java-jnlp-file']) {
navigator.mimeTypes plugin = ['application / x-java-jnlp-file' ];

} else {document.write ("no association
jnlp file");}

/ / Next, check for Appropriate
family version for (var i = 0; i < navigator.mimeTypes.length; i++) {
plugin = navigator.mimeTypes [i] ;

mimetypeCheck ();

6. Link to Web Start Java Web application
Finally, add a link on our Web application to download the JNLP application.
\u0026lt;a href="http://localhost:8080/micontextoweb/javaws/archivo.jnlp"> Download JNLP \u0026lt;/ a>

We are now ready to start Web server and test the execution of our first application Java Web Start.

luck with your first cup of Java Web Start.

Friday, April 23, 2010

How To Write A Reference Letter For Cousin

automotive social ideology

An interesting article that was published in the magazine Letras Libres in December last year that talks about how the cities have been dehumanized because of the car, and although their creation and use should not be demonized overuse This is leading to cities without much future.
A good read to reflect a while. Check it out here.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Poem For Forgiveness Near Friend

The thing is not to fall

few days ago a friend who has little to have started in this "bike pa 'everywhere," he told me of his second fall on the bike. The first was a collision with a car door after giving the Cerron suddenly opened the door, he could not be more to the left because he saw more cars coming, the fall left him pain in his left hand and a knock in the leg and the second occurred when cars stopped wanting to go beyond, passed between the first and second lane and right there a taxi passenger got out, returned to hit the door, but not landed on the floor, if you hit your hand right against the door when I had it said something that undoubtedly is the main thing for safe travel by bicycle through the city, said: "I am very distracted, I think if I put more attention, these things I would" in effect, is essential to be ever vigilant to keep your bicycle safety.

Sometimes I stop thinking and watch her circle in the city, in seconds watch a lot of things, intuit and anticipate others.

Pedestrians on a street corner, two things: either make you want to cross or want to stop a taxi or micro, because you have to dodge attention. Cars parked on the right, it's best to give sufficient space to avoid a door that opens, but if you can, observe and anticipate: if they are heads in the car (look for the medallion back or left mirror) insurance is a passenger can open the door, a parked car with the skulls on, two things: secure parking and just open the doors or is booting up and clog the road.
Take a full lane to avoid getting too close to exceeding the car, but although the rail regulation is yours, you are constantly turning over your left shoulder and see who is coming, it seems an uncommon practice but motorists that if they use your turn, that indicates that they want to turn and take your lane (the right) stay calm, make eye contact to tell them it's your space. When driving your view is always in front, looking for obstacles, potholes, bumps, sewers, waste-to avoid them you have two options: on the right or left, you decide, for it must be observed, this is another reason to travel the center of the lane sewers are always right.

Play is important to stay alert, sounds like patrols or ambulance siren, a horn-to-be annoying, a barking dog, the engine of a motorcycle or any vehicle, suggest things to you must anticipate, practice turn on your shoulders to look behind you, once this practice will be spontaneous.
thing I have learned during the time I walked in "the bike pa" everywhere "is that security makes oneself, the thing is not falling, and although I do not know a single rider is not fallen at least once, the important thing is to learn from the falls to NOT re-visit the ground.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Remove Hdd From Recorder

Dreams on wheels

Dreams on wheels (something) is the title of an exhibition that runs until April 26 at the Faculty of Architecture of the UNAM-CU. Do not let go, and if you want a little more information see here .

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Blueprints Of Battery Powered Blanket

And the books are for ... We already have winners

As promised, I had taken to post the winners of the books "The bike and its owner" - again thanks to Rogelio Garza for this gift, "the winners are and Paola Karina Tavera Amaro who correctly answered each question.

The answers are these:
1. What is the title of the song Bat for lashes posted a few months ago on this blog? What's a Girl To Do
2. What city are our friends the Macletas? The Macletas are Santiago de Chile.
3. How many urban cyclists link displayed on the blog? 11 links.
4. Mention the name of one of the cultural tours that have been posted here. Cultural cycle route across the ancient lands of the Benito Juárez.
5. When and where was the last congress of urban cycling in which we had opportunity to participate? It was in Guadalajara, 18, 19 and September 20

Well girls, congratulations, hope you enjoy reading and that the happiest keep rolling!

See you next time.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Jon Cryer Get Paid Per Episode

We have winners for the trivia books ... soon publish pictures and answers. Greetings

Thanks for participating!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Whats A Good Isee Test Results

Starting with (3) - The JAVA_HOME (Windows)

Normally when we are beginning to use Java, we find that we have to add the JAVA_HOME (the Java installation directory) to the Windows environment variables. Well, for that "first time" have given me the task of writing this little tutorial. For this tutorial we consider the following concepts:

Environment Variables

Autoexec.bat PATH : That is where the shell will look for the execution commands to write to the console, as long as not use a specific path to call the command.

The idea of \u200b\u200bOME JAVA_H is that we add a new environment variable to our system. In this case JAVA_HOME is the de facto name, but could be any other important thing is that in addition to be added to PATH for Windows to recognize the commands of Java. We could even not define the variable JAVA_HOME and do it all directly to the PATH variable, but by convention and convenience is better defined, this will be clearer as you continue to use Java.
To add the new environment variable there are two paths to follow.

The first is using the System Properties window of Windows.
(The way I always do)

1. Make the shortcut Home (the window key) + Pause to open the System Properties .

2. Within the Advanced tab , pressing environment variables, which will open a new window titled Environment Variables.

Note: Within the environment variables have the User Variables and System Variables , the first run while the user session is set for what is open, the others work for all user and administrator rights are needed to define them. Preferably I always use the System Variables , unless a special situation that requires use user variables.

3. In the section of the System Variables will Click on the button New , this will open a small dialog box add the following: * in the box
Variable Name: JAVA_HOME
* in the Variable Value box, the location where you installed the JDK In my case C: \\ Program Files \\ Java \\ jdk1.6.0_18 and click OK.

4. Find the system varible called Path and click Edit.
5. In the Variable Value field the Modify dialog system variable add our new environment variable value at the end of separate existence by a semicolon (;) As follows: ;% JAVA_HOME% \\ bin;

Thus, we are referring to the bin folder (where commands are running) installing Java using the variable JAVA_HOME we created in the previous steps. We could also have written directly to the path of JDK in the path, but as I said before, do it this way.

After these steps have to simply click the OK button in each window and we added our new environment variable.

Another way is to do it directly from the window line Command:

1. Make the shortcut Start + R to open the Run window, and write cmd and click OK. This will open a command line window.

2. In the command line window type: set JAVA_HOME = , again, in my case installation path is "C: \\ Program Files \\ Java \\ jdk1.6.0_18"

Note: Quotation marks are not necessary unless you have spaces in our path, as in this case.

3. Later in the same window should add this variable to the Path in this way: September Path =% Path%,% JAVA_HOME% \\ bin;

This will have added the new environment variable, but only available remain open while session command line. To make permanent our variables otherwise appends to the Autoexec.bat can be loaded whenever you start the system.

Add environment variables in the AUTOEXEC.BAT

1. Open a Run window as in step one of the previous section and write sysedit and click on OK.
2. In the window add the lines AUTOEXEC.BAT @ echo off

JAVA_HOME = "C: \\ Program Files \\ Java \\ jdk1.6.0_18"
Path =% Path%; % JAVA_HOME% \\ bin ;

And then save the file, preferably, the system restarts.

Note: Thanks to a comment, I note that in later versions of Windows ME environment variables must be added through the System Properties window and not by a change in the autoexec.bat file , although it is still possible.

To verify that truly added the new environment variable open a command prompt window and type java-version , and the result of executing this line should be something like this:

For more inromación
on DOS commands, the Autoexec.bat and general environment variables, I leave these links:
Environment Variables Environment variables

Autoexec.bat (English)
Autoexec.bat (English)
Config.sys and Autoexec.bat
How do I set or change the PATH system variable?

Friday, March 19, 2010

M Jak Miłosć Nowe Odcinkitvp

Today in the Reform

bike to Commuter Rail Reform

.- Only three of the suburban stations have parking for bikes and motorcycles
Yadira Cruz

Tlalnepantla, Estado de Mexico (March 19, 2010) .- To counter the lack of public transportation that allows reaching the suburban train, some users have chosen to use bicycles or scooters, but do so only in three of the five stops which are located in the State of Mexico, as in the rest there is nowhere to leave.

Cuautitlán stations, Tlalnepantla and Dairy have free parking for bikes and scooters that operate from Monday to Saturday from 5:00 to 00:30 hours and were built by the dealership after seeing their users left chained to the mesh station.

This option is a first start to address the lack of supply routes of minibuses and trucks to stations in the Suburban, but, to tell the users, could be complemented by dedicating a wagon ride complete with bikes and get them to Mexico City , where he could upload them to the Metro on Sunday.
Eduardo Gayoso, promoter Xinta cycling group, said the option of cycling to reach the Suburban is an encouragement to the use of means of transport.
"With this, people are already seeing more clearly that the bike comes with a lot of strength," he said.

In cities like Tokyo, Seoul and New York, in addition to cicloestacionamientos, you can enter the train cars with bicycles.

Cuautitlán of Suburban Station has a parking lot with space for 300 bicycles to be left in chains, as there are no security personnel. Tlalnepantla

stop has 20 places available and the Dairy, 40.
Joseph Betancourt is one of the users that travel by bicycle to the train and takes 5 minutes to get from home to the Suburban, when more than 15 bus would.

"My work is by the Airport during the week I come on my bike early, I leave here with his lock and pick it up at night, when I return," he said. The three biciestacionamientos
work since September and Suburban Railway, the concessionaire of this transport, look at the seven stations installed that has the train from the State of Mexico to the DF, for the moment, it is contemplated that the bikes can get on board. _____________________________________________________

And Metro stations when? Can anyone tell Ebrard?


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Is Bbq Smoke Dangerous

Starting with Java (2) - The IDE

In the previous section of this series of Beginning Java saw how to start relying on them tutorials videotutoriales left some very good that I found on the net. Now it's choosing our development editor.

selection of our first IDE (Integrated Environment Development, Integrated Development Environment) is very important because we help solve common problems, accelerate our learning and gradually adapt to a form particular job.

We select the IDE according to our needs, For example, if we need it only for academic use, learning certain tools and / or Java technologies in the world, if we need it for professional use, since in some businesses say the developer IDE what to use, etc. As this

tutorial I wrote for those who are still learning to program in Java, I recommend using an IDE
What I recommend is to verify that the IDE is intuitive
  • have
  • code highlighter
  • have
  • have auto scrubber (not necessary if you're learning)

Although people use other tools very practical and sometimes very complex as you advance in your learning.

For example, I learned using a simple editor: TextPad , and I also saw a fellow with JPadPro learning.

One widely used in academia for teaching programming in Java is BlueJ, which also highly recommend.

can also learn with a more professional and Netbeans (feedback part) which is an IDE comprehensive and widely used in professional environments. It's free and you can download in its most light to start programming. You can also use the Classic version of Eclipse. Refers to their respective pages or Wikipedia to read more about it and decide on a IDE .

But there are many more in the Java world for everyone, I just said the most common.

Netbeans ( Wikipedia TextPad (
Wikipedia ) JPadPro

Friday, March 12, 2010

Pokemon Soul Silver Walk Through Wall Cheat

TRIVIA CHAMACLETA by our third anniversary

In the first three people to answer the following questions correctly will receive the book "The bike and its owner" courtesy of Rogelio Garza-author of the "who very kindly, to learn the third anniversary of Biciellas, decided to give us three Copies for chamacletas, supporters and friends.

1. What is the title of the song Bat for lashes posted a few months ago on this blog?
2. What city are our friends the Macletas?
3. How many urban cyclists link displayed on the blog?
4. Mention the name of one of the cultural tours that have been posted here
5. When and where was the last congress of urban cycling in which we had opportunity to participate?

Hurry up, have a week to submit their responses (to 19 March) to e
contacto.biciellas @ , from a personal mail with your full name, phone number and address.

hereby publish a list of winners, good luck and do not hesitate to participate. Thanks for your support.

Monday, March 8, 2010

100x100 Multiplaction Table

"An instance of the program already running Seems to Be" in Netbeans

I am currently using Netbeans 6.7.1 to develop a Swing application and I like the Matisse that comes with this IDE. But there have been several occasions when the computer is turned off abruptly, which has caused Netbeans not close properly, and then restart and try to reopen the IDE shows me a alert box with the message: "An instance of the program Seems To Be already running with your user directory. Either a previous session of the program Did not exit Correctly, or Another instance of the program Different is running on a computer and using the Same user directory. "If Another session of the program is running with the Same user directory, please click Cancel to Prevent the Corruption of the user directory. If You are sure That No Other instances of the program Are running with your user directory, click OK to continue. "
To solve this problem we must bear in mind that different stores Netbeans configuration folders, these are the installation directory, user directory and project directory. Well, to solve this problem in particular the only thing I did was delete the file lock found in the user directory, in my If C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Jorge Ruiz \\. netbeans \\ 6.7 \\ lock
commented folders are created during installation of Netbeans and the user can modify them, therefore it is important to read the dialogue before making Click the Next button of the facility. For more information about these folders you can read the blog Netbeans support . I hope that the outcome of my case will serve ...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Compere Speech For Annual Day

Stories Review bike ride

Karina Gallo is an artist who has found inspiration in the cycle for their creativity. On Thursday March 4th expo opens STORIES, a collection of paintings with the theme of the bike, so that we organized chamacletas to reach the opening on a bicycle.

There will be two assembly points in southern one in the corner. Moras and Minerva, Col. Florida and another further north at the roundabout from the Angel of Independence, for both points the appointment is at 19 hrs to leave no later than 19:30 pm as the opening is at 20 hrs . The event will take place at the Alliance Francaise, address Patricio Sanz 1056, esq. Axis 6 Col. Del Valle.

If you want to join in some of the points we will confirm with an email to contacto.biciellas @, so you know, on Thursday 4 March, we get very cultural chamacletas but always on wheels .

Friday, February 26, 2010

Do Trimmers Cut Good As Razors

3rd anniversary 3rd Anniversary Reminder

women in cycling, and chamacletos chamacletas: As we all know, we meet three to score to exist and not to forget good times rolled organize an anniversary worth remembering.

Yara, architect, designed a route to know the most important buildings of the Santa Maria la Ribera and its surroundings. For Initially, we gathered at the monument to the Revolution (which now seems a minefield, because the whole place is in the process of restoration) from there we headed to the Vasconcelos Library, near the Buenavista station train station where we stopped for a time to see and hear of its history and importance. Tianguis strollers looked at us funny Poplar.

Then we shot a few blocks on North Axis 1 then go to the Avenida Ricardo Flores Magon, which take the counterflow lane bridge and climb to a respectable height for tooooodo the Valley of Mexico. The day was extremely transparent. It was surprising to see while the volcanoes, the cathedral, the Ajusco, Santa Fe and Chiquihuite hill. We got off the bridge and began to wander to see old houses, some more modest and more stately. We arrived at the museum Poplar is also undergoing restoration. There, Yara told us things we did not know this place so important. We few blocks, to take the road leading to the Alameda de Santa María. We surrounded the mall and we stopped a moment to hear the story of the Museum of Geology, UNAM, and we enter the park to see cerquita the Moorish kiosk. There, next to a teenager who took photos, we left the chocolate cake (mmmm) and we talked about various things, among others, on the next congress urban cycling (pending).

All attendees to walk thank you very much! And to all the followers of this blog, the virtual chamacletas and those who happen to be reading this review, because without their support, this blog and the three years of existence Biciellas, would not be possible.

Friday, February 19, 2010

41' Mainship Grand Salon Why

reminder that tomorrow will be held on the third anniversary celebration of Biciellas are cordially invited to a short tour which looks to have a good day even though we are in February crazy. The city tour is short and not very demanding. At the end we will have a small fellowship.

To RSVP, questions or clarifications, please write to email: contacto.biciellas @

Monday, February 15, 2010

What Can You Use Instead Of A Baking Tray

So, after three years and to celebrate we have planned a walk we proposed a follower of the blog, Yara, who enthusiastic to participate designed this route, the appointment is in the monument to the Revolution on Saturday February 20 at 10:30 am, all you need is your bike in good condition and desire to have fun.
This is the opportunity to meet and spend time on wheels, WAITING FOR YOU!
Confirm your attendance
contacto.biciellas @ email , there will be surprises!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Irish Singlets For Wrestling

New section

This year we opened a new section to talk about ourselves, how or why we decided to venture on two wheels. And we asked Laura to release it to the ribbon cutting. ___________________________________

Mischief on two wheels.

recently asked me a lot about the origin of my passion for cycling and the truth always thought it came from my French class in elementary school, where the first image illustrated my lessons was that of two French children riding his bike at the foot of the Eiffel Tower with a baguette under his arm, which for a 6 year old as I was, was one of the most inspiring of my childhood; I now believe that only part of a larger puzzle of moments that led me to love my bike as much as I do now.

My first bike my grandfather gave me. It was pink with black shot 16, I do not remember the brand, but if I remember my happiest summers were riding my bike with my neighbors. I was never a doll girl, always preferred bikes, skateboards, balls and even combinations.

Then one day I missed the love of my bike and forget. Even now I try to remember what happened to it I can not do, do not know if I gave my mom or throw, the truth is that my favorite toy to be stopped to give way to the interests of puberty, like me, being a whole "lady" of 13 years, would be playing on a bicycle? No. I had to walk arregladita to go out with my friends, to go to parties where we ate yet sabritones with Mirinda.

How could I forget, she so pretty, so feminine. How could I forget the day I left with her Juguetibici and I felt the happiest, because it made me forget everything and everyone, because we were just her and me, because I was above it and she was no longer a adultita. My grandfather bought me the secret of my mother, because she did not like to do "things for children," without realizing that it was one of the few things I enjoyed and that made me feel less responsible and more free, regardless of called "genre" of the activity itself.

and may not be able to say precisely the moment when I began my love for the bike but if I can explain why: Because despite the years have passed, I keep feeling like as a kid above me bike. It makes me feel free, own my, my time and my space. I am only in a city that is easy to lose your individuality, but it's hard not to feel alone. Thanks to my bike, I have met interesting people and genuinely concerned about building a better place to live, a Mexico City livable and happy. At the same time again I feel me girl, I'm going to feel I'm doing something forbidden, Jugetibici as soon as I left knowing that my mom would not be very happy with our prank, but now the forbidden means to do something different, something that Most do not dare to do. Hopefully that will change soon to feel as happy as he was leaving with my little band of friends to play little run down the block and can be seen that more and more people, enjoys rolling on two wheels. ______________________________________________________

anniversary rolled Soon, stay tuned.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Letter To Cousin Inviting To

Invoking Java programs from ASM

Several months ago I sent a portal to JavaHispano tutorial which explained how to do to invoke functions written in assembly language from Java. And as I spent more than three months since then, I can use on my blog: D.
Here is the content and the first two parts to give you an idea, also I leave the source code and the PDF of the tutorial. Content

Introduction When to use JNI?

Software Requirements


  1. Conclusion References and readings
  2. 1. Introduction
  3. In the site there is a small tutorial titled Invoking Assembly Language Programs from Java 1
  4. but English is not very easy for some new Java programmers or assembler. In explain how the invocation of an ASM program from Java and what to do to achieve it, but do not explain how to do each step. So I've taken on the task of facilitating the understanding of these techniques for the English speakers who are taking their first steps with JNI, and to know a little JNI operation and invocation of applications in assembly is essential when you have applications require intensive operations and server process need to deploy a small low-level program to execute such operations, and thereby reduce the time as it may sometimes be critical.
  5. Also JNI have the ability to invoke functions and procedures written in other languages \u200b\u200bsuch as C / C + + or in our case ASM, for example, when you have legacy systems and will need to use some function of the legacy code will be necessary to develop applications that can perform these functions. For more information on JNI and capabilities please consult the manual available on your site 2 Sun.
  6. should be noted that this is not an introductory tutorial or API JNI therefore be limited to mention a few concepts necessary. Quickly, begin to determine the software that we use and where to get it, but we will not stop to learn how to operate them. Later add some environment variables and start with programming. For this, we present the programs and how to compile, but will be available the source code used in the tutorial. By following this tutorial the reader should be able to load a DLL into any Java application and use the proceeds of any native library.
  7. 2. When to use JNI?
  8. Occasionally, some developers are touch found in situations where an application made entirely in Java will not cover all requirements for such. Some examples of these situations can be:
  9. When in spite of wanting to write the whole application in Java to allow cross-platform compatibility, exit platform features that are necessary to implement and are not supported by the Java standard library . This is referred to as a dependency of the platform.
If you already have a library written in another language and want to make it accessible to your Java code, for example, having to work with legacy code. in these cases the libraries are loaded within the same process using JNI apliaciones, although other more efficient mechanisms operating in separate processes.
If you want to implement portions of code in a low level language like assembly to reduce processing time. For example, in applications that require 3D graphics rendering requires more processing time, will have to write a graphics library in assembly language for better performance 3.
In cases where you want to load a native library in an existing process to avoid the cost of starting a new process and load the library in the same 4 . Also
JNI will be convenient to use when you want to use some features of a Java program from a native code.

Document Invoking Java programs give yourself ASM step
    The tutorial