15 tips to get the promotion you want, and increase wages you deserve
How to label a software developer? It's a fantastic question. There are many theories out there, and there are many ways for HR teams do and will help lead the study of performance. But what really makes a great developer? And if you're a software developer, how you can improve your career today! Below I present my bible to catalog developers on my team. Follow these tips and ideas, can improve your state of "good developers" to "great developer" . 1. Time spent writing great code. I do not mean the quantity but the quality
! However, a twist to this is: I refer to the quantity, quality
and . Very often you'll find one of these two scenarios. In scenario A, you have a developer who writes code like crazy, and things seem to work ... errors start to happen then, and you do not know why, seems to take forever to fix. Or they fix 10 and cause 5 more! But got a lot of code ...
In the scenario of your dreams, you get great code!
great code is made by a large developer who is super smart, knows what quality code, and writes code as Tony Hanks driving his skateboard. It looks so natural! It's very entertaining to see / a. In addition, they get to a blinding speed. Know how much will each issue, and will stop by to find the best solution in the world with multiple threads and layers to write a game of tennis. The errors do not exist because they write unit tests for themselves, and encode only in their dreams. These guys are worth their weigh in gold.
2. Interpretation of the problem.
There is a problem with millions of ways to solve it. Some people are quick thinkers and can only come up with multiple solutions instantly. However, what a big developer would do is to fully define the problem
before doing anything . A great developer writes a paper or board with the problem. They sent an email to your manager and say things like "Can we have a board for who can explain how I understand the problem?" Then they start giving various solutions, etc..
3. How to address the problem
Once I have clearly defined the problem, just start coding? Error! A great developer will look at the provision, and begin to think of several options, and based on the problem, think the best approach to solving the problem. I see this as a game of chess, you know how all the pieces move, know all the rules, "but only begin to move the pieces? Of course not! You have to analyze the board, create your game plan, look at your opponent and see what he or she usually does. It is the same If when you approach a problem. Notes
the problem, imagine what needs to be the result, the time you have, the quality you would expect, the tools that you have to work, etc. Then, you begin to solve the problem.
4. Confidence in the code As a manager, how confident can be in their codes. You can tell some developers "need this all for the Friday" and arrives on Friday, received an email saying "I have reviewed the code in the branch and is ready for testing" and you know that the team of quality assurance will find it few errors, or none. On the other hand, some developers instead it will send an email saying "I'm not finished, ready for first thing Monday morning." And you're 95% sure to be riddled with errors, and will not be usable for days if not weeks, until the errors are removed completely from the code.
short: The highest reliability that developers can have is that they are very close to being great performers! Imagine being your manager, and the weight off their shoulders if it does not have to worry about your code.
5. Confidence in the solution
One thing is to feel trusted code. If you have a great developer in your hands, you're confident in the solution. Great performers are great architects. They are able to analyze the whole problem, and imagine how it needs to be solved the problem. Note that no source-code is just great,! It is also and mainly the architecture that you give the solution! This is an important point, and that really separates the good of the greatest developers in the world of software.
6. Meet user requirements
the end of the day, you have the best code, and the best possible solution, with all the best architecture, but is able to satisfy user requirements? Probably not! And you have failed completely. Now, there are varying degrees of failure, but a great developer will hit the target consistently. They find what the user needs exactly, create a proposal, we show the user what they will step up during the weekly editions without errors, and will build from the latest version. The requirements are just as and the user should be dancing with joy!
7. Keeping up
Large developers are constantly updating their skills independently and proactively! Have thirst for new knowledge and perfection as a cat with milk. Do not wait for the director comes to give tasks and to take courses offered, or provide them with books to be more efficient. They go and get those things for themselves! conferences
find those who want to attend, and send emails like "I'd be happy to go to Tech-Ed this year.'ll Learn [insert reason here] and I will be able to contribute to [insert project here]. I have made provision to save [money / metric reasons here]. If possible, the company would help me pay for the trip? " If someone sent me this, not only may help you pay But would pay the entire trip! Great performers always go to groups of users as a group of users. Net for example, or a group of Java users. Attend local meetings, and do whatever it takes to feed your brain. Have you read all the latest blogs and journals? List your 5 favorite blogs development. Can you do it? You should be able to do activities like a boy scouts club! Upgrade, this will open your mind, you will have the next great idea and you will be rewarded.
8. Contributes to team
can be one of the best, or even the best programmer, architect and brightest guy on the team, but as far as I'm concerned, but are willing to share and contribute with your team, you lose half your value, if not more. A great developer does great with the others around him. mind you, a good developer gets to be getting better, but does not share the knowledge you get, or how to get it.
learn new things, learn about new technologies, but do not let others know of them. A good developer finishes his projects on time, but when the pressure is great, is not there for his team. A great developer is in contact with all projects that have the equipment and is ready to help when needed. They say things like "I heard that the Team is working on [the project], and I think I can help, do not you think?"
9. Meeting minutes ago
great This is incredibly important! There is nothing worse than calling a meeting, take time to explain new concepts, new ideas, brainstorm, come up with great designs, and have no one to take notes of meetings. Even if you have someone designated for this, I would like to see all
pen and paper (preferably the developer's notebook.) A great developer makes great records at meetings; writes all the arrangements for the meeting, and at the end of the meeting can hear say "So just to confirm, my duties are. Am I missing something?"
Then, a large developer will send the certificate to his manager, listing the date of the meeting, subject, and who attended. Following this, you will have the tasks at the top, with the flagship of the task. Under that, find the detailed notes of the meeting. A good developer does not take notes of meetings, says 'yes' every time you add a task to your list ... and hopes that his memory will work well. Then you send an email to review your changes, and annoying when you see that he forgot some things, but was 90% if it is okay. This is a huge waste of time! And for no reason. Takes great
minutes of meetings.
10. Be willing to learn and accept constructive criticism
If you read this, then you're taking it all and will try to implement some of my suggestions in your daily development work. Look, another important area is the developer's ability to learn from others, and accept criticism. I know a person willing to learn, you must be like a sponge, absorbing vast amounts of knowledge quickly! Your boss is there for a reason. Sure, they can be among the former developers, but also were in the trenches, and have been in hundreds battles, and have wounds and fears. They have the instinct to make great decisions, and get bigger. Are in the position they are because they want to see you succeed and wish you grow.
Of course, this is the ideal working environment, but that can go wherever you want if you're a great developer. I guarantee absolutely, and I promise, it's best to cultivate this ability
, make extremely teachable, take note of the suggestions and criticisms, and put the goal of improving and is the best opportunity to become more than you have imagined possible. If on the other hand, choose to think of yourself as "Elite" and you do not have more to learn, you're always stuck where you are. If you're not growing, you're not even in the status quo, you're dying! Grow!
11. Always available when needed. This is give and take. If you work for a large company, they will be flexible with you. They should never ask about the hours of appointment with the doctor that you could not program after working hours, by the time of entry or departure, or your lunch. They should encourage you to go to the gym at lunchtime, paying for meals when you go with the team, etc. Should give you a few days off after some day or tedious process. And the list goes on and on.
However, with all those advantages come responsibilities, without fail! In difficult times, a great developer
suggest that you come the weekend if needed. He stays up late as possible and as late as needed to
ensure that work is completed
. Listen, the big developers take responsibility for their creations. Now of course this is not necessary, but this is the mark of a great developer. Some people just want to work their 8 hours a day, and be good developers, but they will never be great. Great performers are with the team's players until the end and see their work as an art, and his team like a family.
12. Dress professionally every day
never know when a client can come for a visit. You never know when you will be called to a meeting, because not everything is planned. And when that time comes, you must be ready to dance! A good developer wearing normal clothing Monday through Friday, even with black jeans and tennis shoes that look like dress. One Friday casual wears shorts, sneakers, and a shirt. When the visitor arrives on Friday with a huge new account, you can not call you to go to a meal because he is not dressed appropriately. A great developer
wears business attire Monday through Friday. They dress for success. Of course, if you have skills, you will not be promoted to manager or team leader only because it views fine. But if you have great skills, and dress in suit and tie, then you're catapulted range, you can not deny. $ 400 to spend on a decent set and tie will be returned over the years. I promise!
13. Communication skills
This is another critical category! There are many good developers out there, but there are no big developers, Why? For all the good developers are terrible communicators. There are several levels of communication, from email SCRUM meetings to all forms of executive meetings and your ability to contribute to an executive level. You get to be "the show" when you come to hundreds of people to show the new software. While it is not necessary to reach the final stages, you should at least be willing to communicate your ideas clearly and effectively in meetings. The better your communication, the further it goes.
short: If you want to be an executive, you need a 9 or 10 in communication. Even when taking notes of meetings, or send status reports, you need to communicate extremely well. Do not say just "fix the error 1371" in your daily report. Expláyate, explains how complicated it was to solve the problem , how long it took or how you solved quickly. Explains the technology you used, and why you are sure the problem will not happen again. Your status reports should not be a bad thing you do not like to do. Reports should be an exciting part of the show every week where you get your manager.
14. Objectives for skills Good developers can do things and go by day you tell them to do. I really do not see the future and do not know what they want to be doing one, five or 10 years. Some good developers know what they want ... but have no real plan to get it. A major developer has its goals set for a year the next five years, and he also knows where it will be in 10 years.
Great performers also take you to other levels, not only think about their goals, but also displayed.
can see exactly what they will be doing in five years, and the level at which it is doing. And yet, a great developer creates a detailed plan for the next year, complete with courses that will, projects completed, and build relationships.
15. Organizational skills The final component everything is truly joint organization. You can be the best developer in the world, but if you're not organized, you will fall and you will sink. Eventually you will be overwhelmed and finally fed up. Great performers maintain a very clean desktop, watch their laptops and write clearly. Constantly booked your Outlook calendar tasks and meetings. Has a section in the inbox to agree with emails to meetings and new assignments. Maintain files and folders can be removed instantly projects, meeting notes and other details when asked to remove it.
Bonus Tip: Passion!
One member of my team read input and reminded me of some things that everyone in my team are simple. Passion! Without passion you do every day that you will not be a great developer, or large Nigun thing. This is also the main reason people are not successful. A passionate developer to exceed the best technical developer if it is not passionate about your work, your role and your project. Think about it, if you've read this far, will you be making an effort to make the changes I listed? It seems simple, but without the passion to do these things, you really will commit and succeed today?
So there you go! Those are the main cuffs with which I evaluate my development team during the review process. Pay attention, I provide to my team the best environment as I can, and therefore I hope they are great developers, or if you yourself are a developer, please use this list to make the necessary changes and catapult your career and your peers. Follow these tips and you'll get the escenso you want, the salary increase you were expecting, and above all be happy with your achievements. Try it and tell us about your results in the comments below. I am pleased to hear from you. Also if you have other points that you think should be added, let me know!
Translated from the original Real World Software Development
After reading this, I began to think seriously about my current status as a software developer. I am strong in certain areas but weak in others.
In any area of \u200b\u200bsoftware development where you are, how do you classify? Have you proposed to improve?
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