Wednesday, July 14, 2010

William Rogers And Sons Silverware

Getting Started with Java Web Start (2): Java Console

In a previous post made a introduction to Java Web Start . Now I want to comment on a feature that provides Java, and this is your console. Java console comes with the installation of the JRE. According to the site helps Java ,

Java Console provides information about the version of Java Runtime Environment (JRE), the user's home directory and error messages occurring during the execution of an applet or application.
Well, what interests us at this time of the console is the ability to display the error messages that are released during the execution of an application, in this case we will be very helpful when testing and debugging our applications Java Web Start because we can see in detail the errors that arise during the implementation of our applications.
By default the Java console is not displayed, there will therefore be to enable it by following the steps on the same page and then submit.
Enabling the Java Console for Windows platform for Java Version 6.0, 1.5.0
  1. Click Start . Select Settings
  2. .
  3. Select Control Panel.
  4. Double-click Java icon .
  5. Click the Advanced tab .
  6. Click the plus sign next to + Java Console. (Fig. 1)
  7. Select View console and click Apply .
Fig. 1. The configuration window

Once done, if we execute our Java application Web Start or other we will see a window like the one shown below in which we see the mistakes that launches the application.

For other versions of Java or the display of the console in browsers like Firefox and others can see the help page explaining Java.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Army Ets Dity Move Help

Illegal character in path at index 18: file: ~ / .m2/repository/org/apache/ant/ant/1.7.0/ant SAXNotRecognizedException

few days ago while my CRUD generated using the tool appfuse: AppFuse gene of showed me the following strange error:
[INFO] null
Illegal character in path at index 18: file: / ~ / .m2/repository/org/apache/ant/ant/1.7.0/ant-1.7.0.jar
[INFO] -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -
[INFO] Trace java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
After searching a few minutes, then found what was wrong. The problem is that Maven have some conflicts when trying to parse the repository location if this location contains whitespace. And this is a well known error and I was touched to see before, but I had forgotten (very common).
As for me, that you are using a Windows XP in English, generates Maven default repository " C: / Documents and Settings / \u0026lt;user> / .m2/repository/org/apache/ant/ant / 1.7.0/ant-1.7.0.jar "therefore generate this error in any execution. The steps to correct the error was: Move
  1. generated Maven repository, which by default is in " C: / Documents and Settings / \u0026lt;user> /. M2 / " one that does not contain spaces as C: \\. m2 "
  2. Edit Maven configuration file located in \u0026lt;MAVEN_HOME> \\ conf \\ settings.xml . Uncomment and update the local repository aimed at

    c: \\. M2 \\ repository
  3. and

I hope they serve for any execution of Maven with the same problem.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ways To Hide Bulimia At School

-1.7.0.jar: Property '' is not Recognized

I am currently developing a small application using AppFuse 2.0.2. Appfuse has a code generation tool that uses powerful Maven.
mvn appfuse: gen-dentity = NombrePojo

Well, when you try to build my CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete), I checked the error:
org.xml.sax . SAXNotRecognizedException: Property ''

After searching a while on the AppFuse mailing list I found that is untested functionality with Java 6 and recommend solutions point to another URL, but had to make some drastic changes, but only wanted to fix that mistake and had no problems in changing Java version, so
  1. installed Java version 5,
  2. changed the value of JAVA_HOME environment variable to the location jdk5 instead of 6,
  3. opened a new command window,
  4. execute the instruction again mvn appfuse: gen-dentity = NombrePojo and
I hope you learn if you are using AppFuse