In one of our first editions, we discussed the importance of car seat. You have to use them, period. What more could be said about it? A lot.
When you think you can just buy it and use it, you realize that child safety seats are difficult to install. Since many parents do not put them properly, inspection campaigns were launched in shops, hospitals and fire stations and police. This case seems to be solved: you buy it, install it and you take it to inspect. False. This week I discovered there are many details that do not know about it.
I tried to put my baby's car seat on a new car. During installation, we realized that it was very loose in the center seat, so we had to put it on the side of the window using the LATCH system ( Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) . Since then I've been worried about me, because I think the center is the safest place and I decided to investigate.
Indeed the middle rear seat is the safest, on the advice of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Safety Car organization. The sides represent a higher risk for accidents. The problem is that not all modern safety seats are improperly installed with the belt in this part of the car, and the LATCH system is only found on the sides.
But the most interesting and impressive I found is to use the chair seguridad en la posición hacia al frente (donde el bebé mira hacia el parabrisas) no es tan seguro como parece.