In my previous post titled Converting dates between time zones
. And this time the area was to go to my local time is CST or UTC-6 (Central Time) . Public void
cambiarZonaHoraria (String date, String pattern, String tz) { SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat (pattern);
format.setTimeZone (TimeZone.getTimeZone (tz)); try {System.out.println (format.parse (date)); } catch (ParseException pe) {pe
. printStackTrace ();
}} first creates a new instance of SimpleDateFormat with the parameter "pattern" that tells the body that the text is going to shipping is in this format, in my case "yyyyMMddkkmm."
Then, most important of what we try do, we will assign our object the TimeZone
format in which you want to convert the time, in my case was GMT. then simply use the method parse (String)
to convert our text to a Date in the local timezone, in my case CST, so the end result of this example is that the text "200909211230" in format yyyyMMddkkmm "which represents" 2oo9/09/21
"GMT becomes" 2009/09/21 6:30
"in CST and which is 6 hours behind the benchmark of
Time UTC Coordinated Universal or
only exceptions must remember catching a throw or make them.