Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bleeding From The Testicles

Return the name of "programmer" to solve the deficit

few weeks ago we discussed in my school forum about the differences between the titles of "programmer" and "developer." In this forum, teachers and students commented on of this distinction, among the most frequent comments were merely codifies the developer and 'Developer' analyzes, plans, codes and many other things. This reminds me of the stage of software development on a small scale that took hold in the late 60's. However, since then, software development has progressed, albeit at a slow pace that even today is still produced software into the hands of technicians and programmers artisans.

Enrique Dans mentioned the problem of the devaluation of the programmers in its first article on the topic
Digital Freedom :


programmer is considered a "skilled worker" , and subjected to a low wage economy, job instability, high turnover and high incidence of stress.

This is the account you have, when it should be quite another.

Being creative is a job scheduler, an indispensable role in today's economy that deserves much respect and that generates a high value. But where are the programmers? Why not leave the university ready to make that hyperabundance current ideas and participate in code in this revolution of creating many activities within the network? What professionals are creating the careers of some or Computer Engineering and
why they tend to reject the idea of \u200b\u200bprogramming as if it were a stigma or something typical

skilled workers?

In Spain, on this side of the tunnel, you need programmers. And programmers need urgent demands of his profession, to recover the pride of who creates, who develops, who is responsible for a whole, who falls for a project and not merely be a worker in the same but a true architect. But what you see, have to look under rocks.
And Mexico is not immune to this problem.
Added to this is the dropout of students in careers in computers and computer systems, and fees are reduced even more. As noted in the journal Emilio Osorio Software Guru:
Software development is attracting more and less young, and many of these change careers before graduation ... Much has been made of the causes of this crisis, some blame the lack of real experience and professionalism of teachers, others, the bad example which we are part of this industry: our working hours, stress levels and customs geeks are not very attractive to 18 year olds only want to have fun. more about why reading has underestimated the degree program I have found several perspectives. One of these refers to the little importance they give companies and software houses to developers, seeing them as a simple mechanical machines which give planes of the construction of certain software and produces code that does what the analyst has raised. As mentioned talking Enrique Dans about the common conception of a programmer in the publication of altianews
September 2007:
... while in our environment, the word "programmer" defines a low-skilled work, almost mechanical, associated the transfer of specifications for an analyst in lines of code executable by a computer, what companies need is not so, but a more modern notion of the term: a more self-reliant professional with knowledge of software engineering, theory computer, mathematical, algorithmic and even notions of business strategy, which plays highly skilled activity and responsibility. Enrique Dans: "Programmers: when it fails the basic Another of the reasons given in the article mentioned are academic institutions, as teachers greatly influence the students to disregard the position of controller.

... while teachers in technical schools, with emphasis on error and showing a clear inability to train such professionals strive to convince their students to flee from the programming as fever.

Ricardo Galli, creator of Digg, also mentions this problem in its old blog
: ... over 70% of computer engineering students are completely unmotivated and / or disinterested in his career, especially programming.
Perhaps because during many years of speaking that was the "race of the future." You may also be due to being a good programmer is increasingly difficult and requires a major intellectual effort. You may also be due to "lack of perspective" on how the profession in major centers: a lot of effort but also much self-confidence and courage.
Surely teachers have some of these faults. I know many who think that an "engineer does not need to schedule" also know many who do not remember how to program. But I also know many teachers are monsters and teaching programming, but those are just the most "hated" or ignored by the vast majority of students who only want to pass the subjects of the most simple, safe and without too much bundling coco. So often end up celebrating the teacher tells them that war stories and do learn "practical things" and
But yes, the teachers, including me, "we are part of the problem
Although the articles talk about the problem in Spain, in Mexico I have seen the same problem in my own university, perhaps not so so far, but if trying to convince students to seek a "higher level" such as Software Engineer or "Developer", which according to conventional wisdom, plan less and are higher on the corporate ladder.
Another problem is the salaries of programmers, as I mentioned before, companies devalue the work of the programmer, so that pay low wages. However, these same developers urging them.
... Company believes that programmers need old-fashioned, and plans to pay two dollars to those who are actually professionals able to distill ideas into code and turn the project into reality. And at such a stimulus, the professionals simply shy away from confrontation and seek other goals. And to go from worker to architect not only requires a higher level of qualification. It also implies that there are incentives to do so.
In contrast, others view that risk is not Missing programs, there are, what we need is motivation. Refer to the motivation of the programmer, but this is only a reflection of what these developers have learned during his career and how they see the job scheduler. Although he mentioned Jordi Abad in his blog

is very true:

l ... e programmer is working on the base of the hierarchical structure of a company

. This means: low wages, poor reputation and eat a lot of brown in the upper layers of the pyramid. It is a very thankless job. Despite this work is a necessary and essential for part of a company dedicated to software programming.

Ricardo Galli also proposed his own views concerning the causes of these problems:

Large companies that can pay well for good programmers have pyramidal structures obsolete all they do is burn the good programmers in less than a year.
The tips of these pyramids are those that want no programming and are dedicated to promote, delegating responsibility to "senior analysts", which in turn delegated and blame the "junior analyst" and so down the chain to the good developer who is about to leave because it is burned.
Large companies that sell meat kilogram engineers to paying salaries of trainees and doing odd jobs true because in the end nobody is responsible. Does anyone remember the web of Congress and many other administrations for example?.
administrations and large companies, as they have trouble keeping their good programmers (for 1 and 2) to the kilogram to hire engineers engaged in the sale.
Small companies Developers seek "basic" who know a little Visual Basic, Java lucky, and plenty of other things like installing MS Office or Linux server. " Very few companies have taken their initial training programs require a specialized in what's going to do, it can not provide any college or training cycle, and that these programs also need continuous training, through specific courses or time and tranquility necessary to work on projects with more modern techniques and methods and different.
The problem of dysfunction
very widespread among computer.
  1. There is a kind of pressure on universities to "engage appropriate professional labor market." That message has penetrated deeply into many teachers, but even higher among students who require Java to be taught from first-and nothing more than Java because it is demanded by the "labor market" and that makes them less oblivious to other subjects that make a difference, for example algebra or complex concepts of "computer science."

  2. Maybe # 6, very few programmers take time to read, learn and surf the Internet much, which has become the main source and essential for learning new techniques, trends and ways to implement projects. There is a sort of general feeling, I can not yet understand, so pretty and fun of the computer science and programming, "in my little free time I forget about the computer" ...

  3. As we have said, I've seen this a lot with my classmates and colleagues. A few of them actually called programming and very few people read and are kept current. In the southern part of Mexico there are very few companies specializing in software development, and those who are, with low wages and have better development practices. This might also want to refer me to the centralization of business in the State. Mexico, Monterrey and Guadalajara. This causes many young people with a desire to succeed and with great abilities to lose the opportunity to develop professionally and living in other states.

  4. I also want to quote a publication of BusinessWeek
  5. , which states an important consultant about the talent shortage in India by 2010.
  6. Building showpiece campuses the size of Many U.S. colleges is just one way big Indian Employers Are Battling to hold on to budding engineers, designers, and finance Specialists ... Today, companies face high turnover, Escalating salaries, and shortages of qualified Workers and managers. Less than a quarter of companies Survey in 2006 in India by McKinsey & Co. Said They Were meeting recruiting needs. By 2010, Predicts McKinsey, India will face a shortfall of 500.000 staff capable of doing work for Multinationals.

  7. With this problem in doors, Indian companies are in need of workers for
  8. attracting multinationals and labor from neighboring countries and Latin America with what we face this problem more quickly. I mention this because, due to the salary of a programmer in Mexico in comparison with other countries, it seems we need to raise awareness of the importance of the programmer, which is the most active and important part of a

    company. As well two programmers created Google, Microsoft and Apple. Wages, Mexican developers are in place 20 of the countries with higher wages (table
  9. s wages in Mexico), just below Spain and Korea, covering Hong Kong and Switzerland pirmeros posts .

Part of the solution lies in changing the mindset of teachers and government. For example, in Argentina, the newspaper La Gaceta

, is designing a scholarship program for IT careers so they can increase enrollment and reduce casualties to achieve face new economic programs country. The brand new program includes the presentation of 6700 scholarships, with a total investment of 52 million pesos for the period 2009-2013, which will be aimed at young people across the country to study in universities.
The scholarships will go to those who consider careers in engineering Electronics, Telecommunication Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information Systems Engineering, Bachelor of Computer Science, BS in Systems Analysis, Systems and Computer Science.
Changing the mentality of entrepreneurs (the highest hierarchical level), academia, and narrowing the gap between academia and industry as production is again able to increase enrollment in IT careers and improve the national economy based in knowledge.
In conclusion, I recommend and cite an interview
Dr. Carlos Montes de Oca in Software Guru: ... the owner of a car factory out at 6 pm, and that has its factory, with its value intact, you can sell it and recover investment. Instead, the owner of a software factory, at 8 pm that their employees have gone home, is undercapitalized. All you need are a few desks and depreciated machines. not lose the pride of being programmers, companies are turning to us more important because we need it. And we intend to Developers (Developers) just because people do not program believe is a higher level.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What Does The Eng1 Involve

El síndrome de la clase turista

Currently no one doubts the existence of so-called economy class syndrome. Evidence indicates that the risk begins after a flight over 6 hours.

There is sufficient scientific data to ensure that long plane trips are a risk fac ¬ tor in the development of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and Pulmonary Embolism (ТЕР).

But the evidence also points to the probability they are even taking place from 6 to 9 hours of flight, the incidence of no more than 5 percent, even in high-risk passengers.

Following the death in 2001 of Emma Christoffersen on arrival at Heathrow after a journey of more than 20 hours, the biggest controversy has been raised recently about the relationship of flights with occurrence of venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

Actually anyone who is sitting for a long time can produce blood clots in the legs, which are released into the bloodstream and go to the heart and lungs, a process called pulmonary embolism.

What is it and because it takes the economy class syndrome

Why "tourist class"?

in 1954 first described a case of DVT after 14 hours of flight. In 1977 appeared in the literature the first report ТЕР and travel by plane, three TCP is relaciion in 1988, when he coined the term 'economy class syndrome "even when one of the authors of the report was one of the described six cases and had traveled executive. Whatever the case, the term referred to thrombotic events related to flights under certain circumstances. And while not a scientifically correct term (now the preferred expression of thrombosis of the traveler), it is clear the success it has had.

traveler's thrombosis in the legs

we have two sets venous saphenous veins and superficial or deep veins. A third system of communicating or perforating veins that carries blood from the superficial to the deep system and not vice versa.

DVT is the formation of a blood clot in a vein deep venous system. Not to be confused with superficial phlebitis or thrombophlebitis of the legs, much more frequent (about especially in people with varicose veins) and much less dangerous. Most of the time it endangers the lives of people, but sometimes, one of its complications can be fatal: the pulmonary thromboembolism (ТЕР). A piece of clot lodged in the vein can be released (plunger) and be carried by the circulation to the heart and thence to the lungs where it causes breathing difficulties. Much more rarely the plunger can stay in other organs including the brain.

What are the symptoms?

symptoms are highly specific. In many cases there are no demonstrations and other must have a high degree of suspicion. The higher and occlusive thrombus is the more obvious are the signs and symptoms. In the DVT can be pain in the calf or thigh, blue (cyanosis), swelling, skin temperature.

Any general symptom (fever, chest pain, rapid pulse, anxiety) should be considered as warning signs j, for possible respiratory compromise, but the most frequent are dyspnea (shortness of breath), syncope, and pleuritic pain with symptoms of TVR
Where in relation to the / cheap symptoms usually appear during the trip or immediately after, but sometimes occur several weeks.

What is its impact?

Overall, the incidence of the syndrome is low, partly because the population using the planes are healthy which themselves have a lower risk of being affected. In a study to monitor passengers on the Madrid-Barajas airport between 1995 and 2004, reference was 0.39 cases per million passengers ТЕР, incidence increased to 1.65 cases on flights longer than 8 hours .

In all studies published to date, the incidence is low, having a substantial increase for flights over 8 hours and more than 8,000 km. The few studies that assess the impact symptomatic DVT are below the 0.28 percent and the symptoms in less than 10 percent of passengers, always depending on the time and / or distance.

Why thrombus is generated and how it can affect the flight? Three

underlying conditions that predispose to thrombosis: decreased blood flow (ecstasy), lesions of the vein wall, and changes in the system of blood clotting.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

How Much Does It Cost To Get Chest Waxed

Developer Creating a User Control with VB.NET 2005 Super Clásico Chihuahua 2008

Currently I am improving a desktop application I made for you chic material of Accounting I and II races Contaduaría and Administration. This application uses a window to create journal entries, creating and removing records, accounts and seats. In the end, with a single click scheme generated as an adult, trial balance, balance sheet and scratch daily and exported to Excel.

For during the upgrade I found nuevament
and with the difficulty of giving the user the ease of adding and removing records visually, because the first version was manually editing all sizes and locations of dozens of checks in her workspace. What I did in this second version was to design a custom control (User Control) called ControlAsiento.vb containing another User Control called ControlReg istro.vb, which provided me with life.

For this little tutorial we Consider Visual Studio 2005 I'm using VB.
What is a UserContr ol and use?
A User Control is not only a common class. Vb also provides references to work with the classes within the namespace System.Wi ndows.Forms to Unlike the Class Library, which is a good topic for another post. With User Control we can create more complex controls and advanced derivative of the controls and provides the IDE, as we shall see appropriate forward with an example.
Here I show you step by step how to create and use.

The following example will make a tiny part of I had to do to the application that was developed, that is to generate new run-time control instanacias of
we are to design and program .
How is it done? 1. After opening the IDE of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and using Visual Basic language, create a new Windows Application as commonly. I am and named "Example 1" to my project. 2. When creating our project presents a new form empty for com Enzar to work. Well, what s harem will add a User Control to our application. In the Solution Explorer (Solution Explorer) will deploy with a right click on the name of our application a popup window where

select the option Add> User Control

3. Note that when you open the window dialog is selected the User Control control. We will give a name to our new control, in our case will ControlRegistro.vb. This is the lowest level control, ie, the latter only contain predefined controls that Visual Studio.

4. We see a new canvas that contains no title bars or borders, which will begin to design our control.
5. For example only schedule a button on each User Control , although this will come after everything else designed.

6. Having temrinado with ControlRegistro design, create
then ControlAsiento, containing an undetermined amount of records. For this we proceed in the same way we ControlRegistro.

In the solution explorer (Solution Explorer) will deploy with a right click on the name

our application a window pop
select the option Add>

User Control

and we named ControlAsiento.vb, p

Proceed to make the interface design. For this interface need to add at least one
ControlRegistro control type we created, but we can not access this control
Box tools until we have rebuilt the application to changes in ControlRegistro take effect in the places which it is used. So far we have not used do and for this we also need to rebuild. Select from the main menu Build> Rebuild Example1

7. ControlAsiento have the following aspect. 8. When we design temrinar rebuild again implemented as already mentioned, then we can see our control in the tool box . 9. Finally we look like our main form Form1.

Well, we have designed our controls, just need to give life to this code fragment will ControlRegistro, ControlAsiento and Form1.
*** ***

Public Class Form1 Dim entry As ControlAsiento
crearAsiento Sub (ByVal asientoAnterior As ControlAsiento) 'calculate the position of the new entry from the front seat, the which made the call 'and added to form the new ControlAsiento
seat = New ControlAsiento
asiento.Location = New Point (asientoAnterior.Location.X, asientoAnterior.Height asientoAnterior.Location.X + + 5)
seat. Label1.Text
asientoAnterior.Label1.Text + 1 = With GroupBox1
. Size = New Size (. Width. AsientoAnterior.Height Height + + 5) . Controls.Add (seat)
End With End Sub End Class
*** ***



Public Class Private Sub Button1_Click (ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

'We call the method crearAsiento () of the form contains this seat.

CType (Mark
FindForm , Form1). CrearAsiento (Me) End Sub
ControlAsiento_Load Private Sub (ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'is just one example of how you can add an event handler to a control,
' as in micas have used a lot of these handlers when creating controls dynamically

'and have several ways to access the same event

AddHandler Button1.Click, AddressOf Button1_Click End Sub
crearRegistro Sub (ByVal sender As ControlRegistro) Dim reg As New
'The separation will add to the record position and other controls, and the amount you add to the size GroupBox1 of

sender.Height Dim y = + 3
reg.Location = New Point (sender.Location.X, sender.Location.Y + y)

'We got too multiline text box and buttons
redaccion.Location = New Point (redaccion.Location.X, redaccion.Location.Y + y)
Button1.Location = New Point (Button1.Location.X, Button1.Location.Y + y) = New
Button2.Location Point (Button2.Location.X, Button2.Location.Y + y) 'To get the formuylario Me.ParentForm containing this control and became the type Form1, which is the class that we
With CType (Me . ParentForm
, Form1). GroupBox1
. Size = New Size (. Width. Height + y)
End With 'add the new control to the appropriate container, in this case ControlAsiento that contains the button you've pressed
Me.Controls.Add (reg) End Sub End Class

*** *** ControlRegistro
Public Class Private Sub Button1_Click (ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click ' We get the ControlAsiento which contains this ControlRegistro
seat Dim As ControlAsiento = Me. Parent

'We call we did in the subroutine to generate new records ControlAsiento

asiento.crearRegistro (Me) End Sub End Class

I have highlighted in bold some functions that are useful to access controls that contain our
User Control

, so you can use these properties and methods.
What the above code will do is create a new entry under the seat containing the '+' button where you clicked. And generate a new record below the record that is the '+' button which was clicked.

As we have seen, we can use User Control

not only for those cases where we have to use a complex control in various parts of our application, but also in cases where it is necessary to dynamically create some complex controls without breaking both his head, as happened to me .

I hope you learn something this short tutorial.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Community Service Of Completion

Compañías de bajo coste en España

English tourist cities have been since the birth of the phenomenon of low-cost one of the objectives of these airlines: Madrid, Malaga, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bValencia, Alicante, are cities that are repeated over and over again in these maps. However. So far Spain has not had their airline of this type.

Only the Irish Ryanair has installed one of its European bases in Gerona airport, where, according to the airline itself, is having an average occupancy of its flights more than 85 percent for the season summer.

The main low cost airlines in Spain

In fact, in May, Ryanair announced that it had transported two million passengers on its routes Spain since December 2002. According to the chairman of Ryanair, Michael flutter /, "English consumers have enjoyed cheap with low fares and unbeatable customer service, saving more than 200 million euros more expensive rates charged by other airlines and generating over 2,000 jobs work in the five airports we serve in Spain. " Ryanair made only from Gerona, 46 daily flights to 16 European cities.

Now and Air Madrid (which can find an extensive article in this magazine) are willing to change the English situation.