Thursday, June 12, 2008

White Stuff From Clitoris?

On 7 June this year was of great blessing for my girlfriend and me were in the first Super Clasico in Mexico held in the Olympic Stadium UACH University. With participation of Indira Lazo, Veronica Leal with this music, country music Pedro Ochoa, Santo Remedio rock with some pop, and crowned with Third Day and Maria del Sol, before starting with Dante Gebel. At the end came John Schlitt lead singer of legendary Christian rock band Petra. It was wonderful, was extraarchirrequetecontrabendecido. Around 28 000 young people packed the stadium, about 18mil in the stands and 10 000 jumping, singing and shouting front of the stage.

Chihuahua At first we did not know if you find a hotel or go for our tickets to the stadium, Jazmin accepted the suggestion to go first to the stadium to make time before looking for a hotel. We were the first to arrive that morning at the stadium, and there we found the sister Licha, who offered us her house, her daughter's good, but we ended up at home, hehe. The room had two beds, television, cable, lunch with the brothers, pure blessings. brothers carried us during our estacia in Chihuahua.

The day before the event, on Friday 6, there was not a cloud in the sky, and the Saturday afternoon before the event, the sky began to cloud preventing the dreaded heat of Chihuahua, especially a large cloud settled on stage, and after finishing the event began to drizzle. People were queuing from 8 o'clock in the morning just to get the best spots, we had VIP places that gave us, lol, more blessings, but prefer to go down on the court, in front of the stage.

Many thanks to the organizers of this great event, and brothers and Chuy Licha of Amistad Cristiana church for hosting us, tmbn Michael for your support. Here are some photos from the event ...
Jasmine attending the stadium box office

People encourage initiatives event

Veronica Leal

The guys from Third Day singing Valentine

John Schlitt at 56 ? years singing and jumping

Dante on the issue of blood lineage

Chest Infecttion Symptoms

Volar en el A380

The A380 continues to cover a very limited route network. This table covers and what routes offer as an example, flights and fares that each airline offers on its website since March 15, 2009 (chosen randomly) and a single journey from the base of the airline to the destination.

As each offers the amount in local currency, the euro we have transformed using one of the many currency converters available on the Internet to change the date of search.

As you can fly the A380

Apart from normal variations in the exchange, the company can apply a different exchange rate and the rates may be modificadas por estas en cualquier momento. La clase turista Premium sólo es ofrecida por Qantas. Esta compañía, también, el la única que en turista nos ofrece directamente dos tarifas diferentes, con mayores o menores restricciones de cambios.

Singapore Airiines ofrece dos vuelos a Londres cada día.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

White Milky Mucus Before Period ?

Aerolínea Gol

La aerolínea brasileña recibió el premio de Skytrax como mejor compañía aérea de bajo costo de América del Sur El reconocimiento viene de los más de cuatro millones de pasajeros de todo el mundo a través de una encuesta realizada por la consultora Skytrax en Internet.

Entre agosto del 2007 and July of 2008 users in 95 countries voted on 35 items and assessed from the inflight service and comfort of the cabin to the baggage handling.

Airline Gol, the best of South America

"We are very pleased with the recognition of Skytrax, one of the major international aviation sector. This award is one more reason for us to move forward with a commitment to popularizing air transportation in South America and offer the best services to our customers, "said Tarcisio Gargioni, vice president of Marketing and Services Gol.